
Yeah dude, I'm pretty much omniscient

As evidence for any future claims. I am literally just that guy.

2 0 0

This is probably my fastest growing account yet.

Last thing I remember this account was a week old and completely unaware of the existence of @/. I was gone for longer than I thought…

important announcement:

if you own @momothecat, @wasteof-geographic, or @evil-kiwi then please tell me

if you don’t, repost this post

edit: @cheesewhisk3rs is @evil-kiwi

Sep 13, 2024, 1:08 PM
9 8 14

Man, I love not relying on drugs and hormone injections to be happy.

Since I am clearly an OG, you can leave your guesses as to who I really am

3 0 0

Also, I don't believe she's actually autistic and is just making it up for quirky points or whatever but that's just a hunch so don't believe me.

I could try and find out though…

nahhh dude @lily has GOT to be a ragebait acc, no one can seriously think like that. Otherwise we're screwed as a species (or at least her as an individual but no one really cares for that)

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Day 2 of proving my omniscience because I am quite literally just that guy: Remember when jeffalo became Swiss? That was fun.

1 0 0

I don't identify as a guy, you bigot. I am a dude.

reminder that i literally did not do anything and this guy is getting mad at nothing

nahhh dude @lily has GOT to be a ragebait acc, no one can seriously think like that. Otherwise we're screwed as a species (or at least her as an individual but no one really cares for that)

5 2 0
4 2 24
4 0 2

1 hour of wom yay!!!

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btw using the word “meanie” or similar invalidates everything you say. I don't make the rules, sorry.

1 0 0

New accounts don't normally take this long to be found. Guess everyone is asleep or something

4 1 0

nahhh dude @lily has GOT to be a ragebait acc, no one can seriously think like that. Otherwise we're screwed as a species (or at least her as an individual but no one really cares for that)

5 2 0

If anyone has the dedication to do it, could you please remind me every day not to click the unfollow button on my own profile? I want to be my first follower forever.

1 0 0

Because I am literally just that guy and I know everything that has happened on this site except for the last two months. I can 200% confirm this to be totally certified, DGR Guaranteed fax.

2 0 0

As evidence for any future claims. I am literally just that guy.

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