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wasteof wrapped from 2021 goes kinda crazy

I did it

no more days of class ever again

it was really weird leaving campus :\

numbers are down this year…

must repost!!!

I should probably start working on scr*tch stuff again

I have my end of year picture thing I like to do, and I also have to finish my spain project at some point

Two weeks 😦

wow I graduate college three weeks from today, what am I going to do

the crazy thing is in one week I’ll be done with taking classes potentially forever

just saw a CIA cartography job that doesn’t require a million years of experience pr security clearances so I’m dropping everything to make maps to have a good portfolio for applying - any suggestions / inspiration? I’ve made a bunch of maps for classes but I would probably not publish them so I need to make some pretty and impressive ones as fast as I can

I like spiders and appreciate what they do, and most bugs don’t really bother me.

But there is a big house centipede in the bathroom and those things freak me out

wow I graduate college three weeks from today, what am I going to do

just discovered by accident that apparently you can go underwater in google earth and my body physically reacted in horror for some reason

Less than 50 miles from home now

I’m bored so I’m going to pick a random date and then post whatever picture is closest to that date on my phone. Result was day 2137/2518 which was November 1st of last year:

(quality is bad cause I have like no storage on my phone, sorry)

I’m pretty behind on posting adventure pictures so here’s a bunch from my field trip to Natural Tunnel a few weeks ago. This is a long post, but a good one. Natural Tunnel is exactly what the name suggests, it’s a cave system in the far southwestern corner of Virginia that still sees train use as an easier way to get through the mountains.

To start things off, here’s the nearby Clinch River.

Here’s a look down at the tunnel from an overlook. I managed to catch a coal train going through! It was an amazing moment to rush to the top to watch it come and go.

To get over there you can take a chairlift that actually takes you down the mountain instead of up.

Here’s what the entrance looks like on the ground. Not easy to get a picture or capture the scale of the place.

Another shot of the tracks.

This is the creek that flows through the tunnel from the other side.

The other entrance to the tunnel with some falling leaves.

From inside the cave looking back out.

Looking back on it I guess I didn’t get a lot of great pictures of the tunnel entrance itself, but know that it was super impressive in person. I’m really glad I had the opportunity to go visit this place.