hello wahsp, I made a fake currency named shinies, it’s like bitcoin lol but it has no real money involved, like you win shinies by spinning a wheel everyday or you ask your friends to give you shinies…..well, to promote it, im giving everyone free shinies giftcards to join lmao so would u be interested? https://beta.shinies.fun/
hey out of curiousity and wanting to be able to talk to you what is your discord
I followed u bc I want to see more travel photos, as you seem to be nonstop traveling.
Feels like that to me too (which is why I haven’t posted in a few days - I’ve been exhausted). I still have a bunch of beach pictures to post soon, and I have another big trip coming up on July 5th!
Idk if you saw this but you might like to join @b4us. Obviously you don’t have to but I think you’d like it.
i'm doing a wasteof survey for the trolley problem. Would you like to participate? It would be great if you can, thank you
thanks! Here is the link: https://neal.fun/absurd-trolley-problems/ Please may you telll me how many kills you got? thanks
Check your search history for /chat and if you see a /chat link with more stuff after /chat send it pls we are trying to find the link for when jeffalo made /chat background our banners
my computer history only goes back to July 1st, and I believe what you’re looking for was before then
I updated my picture to be more like jeffalo with this good drawing I did three years ago
I updated my banner to be more like the good drawing I did three years ago