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Day 5

One of the best days for sure. There are many pictures I could have chosen, but why complicate things? This is a view from the other side of the mountains in the distance from the previous post. The mountains, the yellow flowers, the valley with an upcoming city*, and the beautiful blue sky (a thunderstorm rolled right over me about an hour after this lol) all make this one of my favorite moments of the whole trip. I could go on but this is already too long.

* as a bonus if you really squint you can sorta make out the doofenshmirtz building if you remember me posting that too

I’m interrupting the regular scheduled wahsposting to make an announcement.

I will be in the Bahamas over next week!

My family was supposed to take a big trip this summer, which I thought we were canceling for other reasons. I guess we got lucky though cause my mom found something cheap last minute so here we go.

Anyway this should not affect my spanish thing as I still want to keep that up, but I might be posting even more as things happen on this trip. So expect more than daily posts for the next couple weeks basically! Subscribe for lots of wahsp content coming very soon πŸ‡§πŸ‡Έ

That’s all for now, my next non scheduled post will probably be from the airport this Saturday, which of course is always fun.

Day 4

Picture of the trail as it gently sloped up towards the mountains

Day 3

Santa Maria Cathedral in Astorga

Jun 4, 2024, 10:57 PM
9 0 4

Day 2

The big standout for this day was of course the surprise renaissance fair / jousting match. I have to tell you after walking 9 miles (which at this point still felt like a lot lol) this was the last thing I expected when I rounded that final corner. There’s this cool bridge entering hospital de orbigo and people were dressed up and music was blasting. It was like all my tiredness and soreness were gone and I had loads of energy

One year ago today I started on my walk in Spain. Therefore I’m going to be annoying and reminisce about it some more for the next 16 days.

Day 1

Not the most exciting picture, but this is mostly what the first day looked like. I like all the poppies

I wanted to go see my town’s baseball team for their first home game of the season but no one will be available to go with me πŸ˜”

another day another dime

having a time

I have to go to charlotte next weekend πŸ˜¬πŸ€’πŸ˜”

sometimes I wonder if I should take up gambling

sure it might seem like a waste of money, but what if it works 😳

I have to go to charlotte next weekend πŸ˜¬πŸ€’πŸ˜”

I will be in southern california from the 5th to the 20th 😎

Might be going to California for two weeks this July 😳

Skies are looking clear for the first time all weekend, might stay up late looking for the lights

(not convinced they even exist, I kinda feel like everyone is making them up 🫀)

I never quite understood those advertisements for apps that track your spending to catch subscription stuff, but this morning I was looking at my bank statement and discovered that apparently I’ve been paying for amazon prime since April 2022 🫠

guys there’s a weird looking dog out back what should I do