the scratch team actually banned from comments i dont know what to say


fligo torg spog T~T

It was for the best.

it means your a success

No st should've banned twitter like what's wrong with wasteofmoney

twitter also has NSFW stuff which is a poo,

wasteof has nothing bad which is a pog,

the scratch team is kinda toxic sometimes ngl

not really. it makes sense that is censored, but being uncensored leads to questions. scratch team is usually reasonable though.

Twitter uncensored :o

I guess

Scratch team has Twitter :/ @st sus

We're not sure what to say.

wow, thats sad bro

Probably because has unmoderated chat, or rather, you can say swears on here. At least I think so...

you can comment on scratch

ew i had correct grammar back then 🤮

they were jealous of jeffalo's snazzy code skills.

i mean it is unmoderated

wdym unmoderated jeff moderates it very well

i dont have the ability to delete users

even i dont know what to say tbh

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