random scratch fact:

according to the api the account named Scratch was registered in 2016. - that doesn't make sense! the scratch website has been around since 2007, so how was the username only taken in 2016?

the answer:

it wasn't! this guy (https://scratch.mit.edu/users/SCRATCH-saved/) already had the username "SCRATCH", but in 2016 the scratch team decided to change their name to SCRATCH-saved, freeing up the name for themselves. oddly enough, the new account named Scratch is actually deleted. you can't visit the profile.


surprised they didn't do this for Pico, Nano, Giga, Tera, and Gobo

they did for ScratchCat

i assume they did for Scratchteam too? but maybe not

scratchteam is an old account. i doubt they did it there

I mean that makes enough sense but I don’t get why they wouldn’t use the account in some way

thxs for sharing teh scratch fakt!
