Around 1 or so this morning my roommate asked if it was alright if he set his alarm for 7

It’s past 10:30 now and I’m about to leave for the day and he’s still in bed asleep πŸ˜”


I slept through my alarm this morning I guess.

wake him up then nerd

why don’t you?

ive got better things to do like manage heaven :rolling_eyes:

Did his alarm go off?

Quite a few times yes

I wish I could sleep as well as him. I wake up if there is like 1 photon in my room or if the house creaks or something 😭

Dude same, I wake up at like 5 in the summer

Btw what are you majoring in in college?


wake the guy up

Not my job

I like you


just askin, how old are you? im assuming near 15 - 20