What new features do you want RiverBox to have?


Perhaps profile/banner upload, instead of just the image link?

Yes, i want to add that soon, (no fixed version*) but i need a big server. Maintaning a social media is very hard alone - server bandwith, making sure no outages, moderating the community, frequent updates and bugfixes, etc etc. Huge respect to @jeffalo for hosting wasteof3 for (i think) an entire year



amogus simulator

API docs

custom pf colors

light mode (jk)

monospace typewriter font

live clickbutton on the about page

socket chat located at /talk or just make it load how pages load currently because school blocks the keywd “chat“

buy a domain

good search

search communities

FMTP live streaming

search posts

less border radius (way too much)

poggers domain



custom js or python moderation scripts for communities

custom themes with css files


image filterbot

branding page with logos/themeing

ouath with google scratch github idk

Half of these are literally wasteof features

Though they’re still good ones

I’m gonna try adding those before 1.8

Or just fit all of them in a tight 1.7 but it will take longer

Especially gonna add amogus sinulator


amogus simulator and RMTP server is most important

+1 for amogus simulator, light mode already exists

light mode I could not find. Amogus simultor 100%

Light mode is removed for a reason

Isn’t it rtsp not fmtp

It is actually RMTP, I just mixed up letters.