redirects to Facebook?!

They literally bought the domain to steal users from this site lol


nah, that ain’t facebook

idea: someone buys the waste.ofmoney and domains and makes them both redirect here

‘ofmoney’ isn’t a TLD

where does it say ‘ofmoney’, it only says ‘


8bit listed two domains, I was talking about the first one.

my man using an extension??

@jeffalo blacklist all links to not work when posted

Or get replaced to lol

This means that they no that this will become popular. but still that is really pathetic i agree @dertermenter

LMAO facebook getting vexed over small social media platform. Pathetic.

/s or /srs

oh im serious. This is pathetic

it was registered in 1999 and has been use for various things troughout the years. it started redirecting to facebook in june 2020, which was before wasteof was even created. looking at the whois theres no real reason to believe that its facebook. i think that its not facebook pathetically trying to get users but just a coincidence

I see, thanks for the clarification