i really don’t like tone indicators

i was in a discord server, and this one user was using them

and i didn’t know what they meant (they were numbers enclosed in curly brackets)

so i asked what they meant

and this person got really angry, telling me “you aren’t even paying attention” and “let people clarify what they mean”

like, dude (the person was he/him), calm down, i don’t know what “{23}” means, please just tell me so i can understand what your saying

Aug 11, 2022, 4:08 AM
7 0 8


you can say dude to girls as well

What the heck? I only use /j because some of my friends can't tell somethings are jokes.

I only use /j//s, /hj and rarely /srs (i don’t think i ever used it yet though)

forgot to {6969}


I agree with copperfish below, as some who uses tone tags and are relatively important to me I’ve never seen numbers in brackets and probably couldn’t understand them. “/j, /gen, /s” ftw

good: /j, /s, etc.

bad: numbers enclosed in curly brackets

tell them “no i mean what does “{23}” mean”. if you already did, do something idk