My school is divided about salted caramel… What do you guys think? Is is the most amazing food ever to grace the face of this planet, or is it the living embodiment of Satan spawned directly from the darkest depths of Tartarus (geometry dash reference heehee lol)

Dec 12, 2022, 3:05 PM
14 0 10


incredibly yummy but better as a complimentary flavor than as the sole focus of a dish, works as an incredible compliment to chocolate and vanilla and apple flavors

I think it’s good but I don’t like it when it’s too liquid-y. It’s better when it’s a little thick

It's very nice

It's good lol

imo its pretty good

Option 2. Why ruin chocolates with salty caramel???

That’s not a gd reference that’s a Greek mythology reference

Tartarus by Riot and more

hades did tartarus before it was cool