Cartography is my passion


Eh, still not oversimplified enough

If I have time later I’ll see how far it goes

i used to know how to draw the US from memory and I always started with the west coast, if I tried again it would look almost exactly like this lmao

Nice, probably same

good job on Montana!

it just seems that the quality just goes πŸ“‰πŸ“‰πŸ“‰πŸ“‰ the farther it goes right lol

as in the states get more blocky

lol I was practicing with a simplification tool, specifically how you can set buffer areas. Basically I set it to apply the simplification (it reduces the amount of lines that make up an object while attempting to retain the general shape) only to states with longitudes of a certain value. This sort of this is useful if you’re trying to simplify a road line and you don’t want the buildings and trees and other stuff around it to also get reduced


What is up with Michigan

this is how michigan really looks trust me