The scratch team put 0 effort into April fools day this year (other than making a new sub-forum). Every year they do less and less.


There were so many things that they could have done that was more than that. Like making a dog the new starter sprite for a day (itch dog?!?!?!?) but instead we got a discussion page really underwhelming :/

april fools on scratch fell off fr

at least the semicolon is back

Yeah, really underwhelming this year. Couldn’t have been hard to at least have done 1 new idea and add more old ones back.

well yeah not many people care about it that much, cat blocks is the most popular and it makes a repeat yet again

i love when scratchers on the afd subforum make more high quality in like 30 minutes than the st can muster up in a year

what did they do?

They brought back like 3 things from last year

what were those?

Cat blocks (which are actually from 2 years ago) and comment bots on scratchcat’s profile. And they made a studio. That’s literally everything