I worked more on that chrome extension!

I made it as a joke but I worked on it and so far it has:

  • Icons and colors rethemed to look like scratch

  • Square profile pictures

  • Capitalized Titles

  • And a customized menu bar with:

    1. A link to the chat page

    2. A link to the wiki

    3. A link to a random post

That last one really made me realize just how small this website is. A huge chunk of those posts are made by lilly , wynd, and oren.

I haven’t actually made a userscript settings manager yet so everything here is just in one big script called script.js but I plan to break it up into smaller chunks that you can customize.

Also it’s totally broken on wasteof3! If I get beta access I’ll make it work.

May 2, 2023, 1:54 AM
6 1 10


this is cool

when are you planning to launch this? (or is it already up for download/source available so i can compile [idk anything about chrome extensions])

and more importantly: is this going to be ported to firefox?

I don’t really know anything about chrome extensions or have a planned release I just made this because I was poking around in scratch addons and wanted to do something similar.

Once I add a settings menu I’ll probably put this on github and for sure figure out how to make it work on firefox.

  1. oren - 2119

  2. lily - 1563

  3. scolder - 964

  4. immark - 850

  5. reid - 670

note that these aren't all up to date, and come from a scraped databas

Oooh how many posts are on wasteof total?

Jeffalo said about 30k, there's about 31k in this scraped database.

Wow, I have a lot

I’d like to thank my mentor for helping me write some awful spaghetti code that only an Italian could love.

As an Italian, 👌