Not that any of you are in the Portland, Maine area (as far as I’m aware), but I’m wicked happy with how these turned out, so you’re seeing them anyways :)


darn i missed this post rip, at least the video was awesome

I was wondering why you didn’t show up

Can;t come cause I’m in England. But best of luck!

Wow a live show?! Hope it goes amazingly well!

This is a music video shoot. We’ll kind of be playing live, but we’re more so asking for people to pose as an audience to a rap cypher.

Though the song can be played live, which was one of my requirements for Poppa Josh (the guitarist) who made the instrumental.

Hopefully, there will be time enough to host a show before Yams (the one being carried) and I embark on Bustrip.

I’m not in Maine, but if I was, i’d go

I know you would <3