bro how on planet earth does this get the same number of likes as this post and this post

Like, not trying to be self-centered or anything but there’s actually work put into those posts.

edit: I realize it looks self-centered to link to my own posts, but please take my word for it, i’m not trying to be. Also, please don’t comment because I’m not going to respond to you.

edit 2: I was mentally insane when I posted this. please disregard this post

it is a beautiful day and i am a terrible student >:)

Jun 29, 2023, 11:44 PM
6 2 37

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because people like low effort half brained shower thoughts written in a cute way

Truth, effort and detail are usually not rewarded on the internet. Relatability, dopamine, and funniness usually are.

I want to make a video or something explaining why the internet sucks (based off of my experience going through hell online).

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