bro how on planet earth does this get the same number of likes as this post and this post

Like, not trying to be self-centered or anything but there’s actually work put into those posts.

edit: I realize it looks self-centered to link to my own posts, but please take my word for it, i’m not trying to be. Also, please don’t comment because I’m not going to respond to you.

edit 2: I was mentally insane when I posted this. please disregard this post

it is a beautiful day and i am a terrible student >:)

Jun 29, 2023, 11:44 PM
6 2 37


I agree that some posts shouldn’t get on trending (not specifically the one you reposted though) but it was probably better to keep this to yourself

I just want to be clear, I don’t agree with myself from 12 hours ago. I should not have posted this.

Just think before you post. I know you love expressing your opinion, but if you think “will this post gain controversy/hate for me” than don’t post it. You said in your 200 followers post that you want everyone to like you, but posts like this will set you back a long way.

linking 2 other posts also made by you doesn’t make for the greatest look on your behalf, considering you don’t exactly have the greatest reputation within the community and it also makes you look incredibly self-centered. if you weren’t trying to be portrayed that way, probably link posts that weren’t made by you?

that being said, you’ve already received a warning from the mod team in the past about you bothering this individual, along with starting a completely unnecessary flame war. making this repost isn’t the greatest idea if i were you. i would recommend that you don’t interact with this person at all if you don’t have anything good to say about them.

you have to realize that you’re on a social media platform where anything could and will be liked by someone, no matter how much effort was put into that post. you’ve ever wondered why low quality memes blow up? it’s because they appeal to a specific type of audience and not because they have the highest amount of effort or skill put into them.

if you keep doing this, you will receive another warning. so i strongly advise that you do not continue with this. it’s not a competition, nor is it a race. you’re on the internet.

Thanks willy. I will stop now

also, I disagree about the “bothering this individual”. If anything, they’ve bothered me just as much as i’ve bothered them. But we shouldn’t get into that.

because people like low effort half brained shower thoughts written in a cute way

Truth, effort and detail are usually not rewarded on the internet. Relatability, dopamine, and funniness usually are.

I want to make a video or something explaining why the internet sucks (based off of my experience going through hell online).

holy crap what did i ever do to you

i’ve said over and over, leave me alone and unfollow me if you’re unhappy w my existence, i want nothing to do w you

I feel sorry for you :(

bro I like you, but you act like I don’t. It’s not you specifically that i’m complaining about.

you just @’ed me in a post complaining about how i didnt put work into my posts,,,, i have not interacted with you in months

Did you put in work though? Answer the question. It’s not about you personally, I would have done the same thing with anyone else.

it’s not an effort competition, nor do i need your approval on what i post, i am literally vibing in my corner of the internet with whoever else wants to vibe with me

leave me alone and stop interacting with me if you just want to start a fight

I think it should be an effort competition though. Those who do more should get rewarded more. That’s not what’s happening here.

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I don’t want to start a fight. I’m calling out something that doesn’t make sense.

you shouldn't need to put effort into a post (sorry, I don't want to get into this), you just need to write something that people might think is cool, or something funny. if you want to do something cool, maybe show your programming stuff?

I just want to be clear, I don’t agree with myself from 12 hours ago. I should not have posted this.

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If you don’t want to look self centered, use other people’s posts lol.

Anyway, ask toaks, zlf, hcxgs, supercash, micahlt, theweirdo600, eevee, mef, radi8, slider_on_the_black, reid, allyz, jeff, or wuilly.

how did you know who liked it?

I wrote a script.

More specifically, I wrote a script to go through the posters followers to see which ones liked the post and it usually gets most of them.

how do you do that?

I used the /[post id]/loves/[username] endpoint, which outputs whether or not a certain user liked a post, and I used the /users/[username]/followers endpoint to get the followers. The full documentation of the wasteof api is here:

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I just want to be clear, I don’t agree with myself from 12 hours ago. I should not have posted this.

again, not trying to be self-centered.