I think people randomly throwing billions of numbers is so stupid, no one know if the earth is 100000 or 50000000000 years old. And as for the Big Bang Theory, that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, scientist were pressed with the question “How was the universe created, and when did time start?” And they just pulled an answer out of the sky. Uh…. Well…. There was this, like… Big Explosion!. It went uh…. BOOM!!. And now like.. Humans, the weather cycle, the fact that humans can reproduce, animals, the infinitely complex solar system, and Human anatomy, just exist. There is no evidence for the big bang, Like, there was nothing at all in the universe, and now we have a complex society?. The fact that humans can heal them selves when they get a bruise, and take in tiny oxygen molecules from the air around us and use it to pump blood to different part of our body that serve different purposes. People dont want to admit that there are things that they don’t know, no one can time travel, no one can be sure about anything 1000000000 supposed years ago. But peoples arogance stand in the way of that.

Anyway, I know I kinda ranted there but there is my thoughts

I know this wasn’t really about evolution, but it shows that nothing can be proven, and a lot of stuff in the modern “science” has many holes to it “Like, we were monkey, and now were human” First of all, why are some monkey, still monkeys, were they too stupid to evolve?, And they say we share “DNA” “So do butterfly and banna

Hey guys! I have a question! Based on your religious beliefs, do you believe in evolution? Why or why not?

Personally, I was raised in a scientific (non-relgious too) household. Ice always thought that evolution was just about near proven, but I've had conversations with friends who are Christian who say they don't believe in it. I'm curious to see what other people think.

Sep 9, 2023, 10:42 AM
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This doesn’t show a lack that anything can be proven, it only shows that you lack knowledge on these things. Most of these topics have a substantial amount of research and information on them which is publicly available and published for anyone to access and learn. We know the age of the universe based on the cosmic microwave background and how it has shifted, and things like biology are extremely complex but also deeply researched and there is a ton of information about it. We still don’t know a lot of things, and some things are virtually impossible to entirely prove without having to make some assumptions using the rest of our knowledge on science, the origin of reality and consciousness are basically impossible to solve currently due to the fact that we don’t even know where to start. The whole reason science exists is because we want to understand how our world works, and our modern understanding of our world is thanks to centuries of work and data.

This was mainly just a reflection on the big bang theory, and how there is hardly any proof. Which just brings some people back to reality, scientist know a lot, but most people still disagree on the age of the earth, this was mainly on the big bang theory, and how it is proof that people shouldn’t just blindly believe, I’m not an expert on any of the other stuff though, so I dont know about other things, I just know 1 it is impossible to prove how to earth magically came into existence, and 2 people still argue on the age of the earth

  1. the earth did not magically come into existence, it was formed from the rocks created from after the sun was formed from massive clouds of hydrogen gas that collapsed under its own gravity, and the pressure was so great that it started a nuclear fusion reaction and created new elements, those hydrogen clouds were remnants of the big bang https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formation_and_evolution_of_the_Solar_System

  2. people arguing about a subject does not mean that it cannot be solved, we cannot definitively prove the age of the earth due to, as you said, we don’t have a time machine, but we can make the most accurate estimation based on the data and knowledge that we have, and we have a lot of data and knowledge. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_Earth

I probably won’t say much more because there’s far too much to explain and I don’t really feel like continuing this argument. But your main argument seems to be that your lack of understanding of science means that science is a load of meaningless gibberish, which is simply not true. I would highly recommend that you read the articles I linked as they explain these topics far better than I can.

Those are some good points, however, to your first point, you say “the earth came from the sun being created, the sun was created, from massive hydrogen clouds. But how did those hydrogen clouds get there in the first place.

The big bang, quarks (elementary particles) came together to form protons and neutrons which then formed mostly hydrogen and some helium, if you’re going to ask what came before the Big Bang, the theory I believe is that extremely rare quantum fluctuations caused the original singularity of the universe to be spontaneously formed, as for what was before all that, no one knows because we have no information, any theory or story could work there

Anyways I’m done with this, if you have more questions look them up, I’m not a science teacher.

Ok, well, ig we both came to the conclusion, and I quote you “any theory or story could work there” which includes, some weird fluctuation stuff, or a God who created, so I guess we both have come to a resonable conclusion, Any way, I guess this marks this finished, it was good talking to you

(any way i’m bout to leave for the rest of the day) I’ll talk to you tomorrow

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