Hot take: All healthcare (physical and mental) should be free

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But overall I agree

you could make it 100% free and just improve patient prioritization. in the UK, there are other problems such as underfunding which make this type of organization difficult. this is also the reason there are so many strikes.

Yeah, true, I def agree the gov should fund it more

which equates to more taxes from the ultra-rich

How, exactly, do you tax the ultra-rich? I’ve never seen anyone actually have a plan to do this. I’m not against it, but they already pay over 50% in income taxes.

no they don’t. warren buffet pays a true tax rate of 0.1% (1/10 of a percent). they hide their money in shares/stocks, which are largely untaxed.

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Another thing to note is that a lot of the ultrarich evade taxes. Including business too. Just look at things like the panama or paradise papers for example.

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