I've been using an RSS reader for a few months to get news and other updates about things and honestly it's great. I don't get served clickbait or rage-bait articles now compared to when news used to be served to me by an algorithm.

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did you only say this to start an argument with me.

definitely seems like it. i just feel that it’s weird that you purposefully misinterpreted me then started acting weird after i expressed my confusion.

This is clearly a misunderstanding. @radi8 was just saying that they believe that things like Google News that essentially aggregates news with algorithms rather than allowing the user to add the sources themselves is seen by many as the successor to RSS (which it isn’t, but radi8 was pointing out that many likely do think that). I wouldn’t say or suggest that radi8 was trying to upset or argue with you. Also can we please not argue lol.

i mean it’s happened more than once so i’d say it’s perfectly fair for me to assume that the same thing is happening again

and anyway, i agree with you, a news aggregating app is not the same thing as a protocol used to syndicate multiple different types of content

Fair enough, I don’t know about previous situations, so I wasn’t aware you may have thought that. Glad we can sort it out tho :)

agree. when I was typing earlier I didn't word things how I wanted to, as it was very early in the morning. but that is essentially what I was trying to say.

Yeah that’s what I guessed, glad to sort it out :)

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