Day 4

supercash takes over Massachusetts, gaining 2 extra counties per day

chiroyce expands into New York, human expands further into Illinois, silly takes more of Oklahoma, mrowlsss captures more of Georgia, and @8bitosc expands in the midwest.

Arizona is split between mybearworld and k10398 (sorry k10398, I didn’t have enough time to get your last county. You can have an extra one tomorrow), and Utah is being carved up by 3 players.

@-1 begins invading central California


keep expanding in all directions, but put emphasis on the east

sorry if im late lmao

Oh, I forgot about this yesterday - hopefully I'll remember now lol

full send, entire NY

how do i make my military stronger

You start with 1000 troops. Capture a county to get 100 more. Capture a state to get 2000 more (I think, @b4us plz correct me if I'm wrong)

Yes, and it’s 4000 extra for a region

so basically i have 3000 troops now

You have 3600 because you get 100 for each county

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I’ll continue to circle the inner perimeter of New Mexico

I’ll snatch Grand and Emery UT and and Platte and Converse in WY

Can I sail down to Delaware?

If so, I’ll take those three counties, Bennington VT, and Coos & Carroll NH.

Otherwise, I’ll take Coos & Carroll NH, and Bennington, Rutland, Addison, and Chittenden, VT