so aparently as soon as you turn 16 you can leave school, i plan to stay in for as long as i can but there are already a lot of people filling in these forms to leave when they turn 16. well, good luck to them in life as i don’t think leaving school super early will give you good odds

i asked someone who’s planning to leave at 16 about it and he said “i don’t want highers i want to be a bricklayer” (highers are equivalent to english a-levels, i’ll be getting them in 2025)


Also, in the US you can leave after 8th grade (13-14 years old) if your parents allow you to.


isn't that different from state to state?

Yeah. It also varies based on school districts. My school district requires K-12 for everyone, however some other ones in my state don't. Kinda weird if you ask me

You make more money (on average) the higher education you get.

Also, education levels are goofy in Britain

school ain’t for everyone

But unless you’re POSITIVE both about what you want to do and that it isn’t important to finish high school to do it (such as your boy who knows he wants to be a bricklayer), finishing high school is advisable.