''when people call you a ''snowflake'' just remember theyre quoting Fight Club, a satire written by a gay man about how male fragility causes men to destroy themselves, resent society, and become radicalized, and that Tyler Durden isn't the hero, but a personification of the main character's mental illness, and how his ''snowflake'' speech is a dig at how fascists use dehumanizing languages to breed loyalty from insecure people.
so basically, people who say ''snowflake'' as an insult are quoting a domestic terrorist who blows up skyscrapers because he's insecure about how good he is in bed.''-random online
something interesting I found.
this reminds me of andrew tate constantly quoting the matrix, which was made by a trans people and an allegory about transness
typo lol (i meant trans people but i originally wrote “a trans person” and didn’t fully change it)
but it's still quite ironic that so many of his supporters are actively transphobic while quoting it as a reference material
Doesn’t matter when Andrew isn’t transpobic though. I can't really be bothered to argue over him though, as we will always see him as completely different persons
Andrew himself has said quite a lot of transphobic things and in all of the times I've seen him say things about trans people that weren’t transphobic, his arguments were based on misogyny. also, it’s less that we see him differently and more that you refuse to see him and his impact