Like, I’m not saying that everything should have a TW, but who cares if someone does put a trigger warning on something you find to be pointless? The fact that some of you are getting so crazy over someone putting a TW for food is a bit alarming. It literally doesn’t affect you in any way unless that warning contains something that may actually trigger you, in which case it would help you know to avoid that content.

its hilarious but also sad to see how many people get so worked up about trigger warnings

its literally just an accessibility thing, it doesn’t harm anyone, its basically just a content label for words, why are you all so worked up about it.

Mar 21, 2024, 12:15 AM
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my argument wasn’t that we need trigger warnings on everything (literally the first thing I said in the above post), it’s more of why do you guys care so much that people are using them when it doesn’t affect you at all. Why is it such a problem that people put trigger warnings on thing?

I know. it’s annoying and unessecary. I understand tw’s for stuff like sh and stuff but not regular stuff

It’s annoying + don’t want this to evolve to trigger warnings being put on absolutely everything which would be even more annoying so speaking up that this is BS makes sense to me

so if the only thing that’s bad about it is that it annoys you, why does it annoy you? and no, 99.99% of people aren’t going to put them on everything.

Due to how woke and stupid it is, that’s why it annoys me. I hate to see the world come to this. If people start putting trigger warnings on this, then they will start putting it on other stuff, I’m just worried a chain reaction will occur with trigger warnings which will get really fucking annoying

Don’t fall captive to the slippery slope fallacy.

So, it annoys you because of how “woke and stupid it is.” Do you care to clarify, in terms of your reasoning? Does it bother you that people feel the need to label things, so that people who are sensitive to those things can be warned prior? Do you hold the belief that “most” people are “sensitive” and that is why it annoys you so much? Just the fact that people are “sensitive” according to your conceptual definition of such?

But here’s a deeper question: Why does it bother you that people are sensitive? Do you feel challenged by needing to take others’ sensitivities in consideration?

^ this

i am allergic to people who say “woke” in a serious manner

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