Note to Scratchers: Never go to TGOSF (The Guild of Scratch Forumers). I got banned from the server because of a leak which I did not even put out on there, and they haven’t added me back since.

Mar 26, 2024, 6:51 PM
3 0 9


if the worst thing that happens on a server is getting unjustly banned its honestly one of the better discord servers

hasn’t been a leak since which is convenient since you’ve been banned

again, not my fault, derter. someone framed me and acted like me.

What’s going on?

Someone (idk who but ask @dertermeter about it) leaked something in the server and they thought that it was one of us, while I was minding my own business and not on the server at all.

At this point, I just basically gave up on trying to convince them.