i’m nominating this for the best forum post of all time award

Apr 22, 2024, 9:01 PM
10 1 7


Za-chary is overrated as fuck and has becoming really annoying since last year

ok but what about that one where za-chary says “no cap”

oh yeahhhhh, that one. that one’s a solid contestant in the best forum post of all time contest.

what is the NFE tag?

(warning: i ain’t reading all that incoming)

nfe stands for “not for everyone”. it’s a thing that scratch moderators can specify a project as when the projects violates the community guidelines, but not enough that it warrants the project being taken down. when a project is marked as nfe, it won’t show up on trending or search results, but the project page doesn’t say that it’s nfe or anything.

anyway, nfe was always supposed to just be a scratch team thing no one else was supposed to know about, since making projects’ review statuses might lead to unnecessary drama. but everyone knows about it now, and i don’t think anyone actually gets what the point of it is supposed to be nowadays.

tiktok mfs when they see more than 2 sentences:

Children meddling around the ST’s business…