who would win: 30 trolls or one autistic trans woman?


i just realized you came back

what happened, who are the trolls

what happened on wasteof

what is happening

i didn't really come back i just got like 20 notis out of “nowhere” (deter got banned) so i posted a couple of things for the lols

damn deter got banned, i never knew

Temp banned.

well he’s back (i dont see the banned popup)

You, probably and unfortunately. I am a friend of Mango. He recently told me about how you (your own words btw) “Got him banned”, even though you aren't even a mod. I do believe that you have special connections with the people in charge of this site and are using them to do whatever you want in here. Hopefully you respond to this and prove me wrong, because that is just despicable behavior. Also, I am not justifying my friend, because he did say some pretty not ok things, I'm only trying to figure out how you can ban people so easily and so quickly.

wasteof lore is crazy

just fyi I was the one who reported him, 99% sure she had basically nothing to do with the original event

i also reported too

please don't comment this on all my posts, i responded once. also, how is it unfortunate?

Please explain my comment below.

My post roasting lily had been taken down within minutes of being posted. It happened 3 times. The post had no title, it was just an image. And no real mod was online. I checked, cuz it seemed odd that the post was being taken down within minutes. I think that lily does have some kind of power to delete troll posts. Not full mod power, but partial mod power. And I don’t like that of course.

Also I received the message from the real mod that wrote it a lot later than when the post had been taken down

yes because that’s against the rules of the website, see https://wasteof.money/rules section 1, and https://wasteof.money/users/lily/wall#comments-6641389478e0ba3832877f87

My exact theory. And her response about it was really vague

isn´t mango the kid who “joked” about doxing/leaking someone´s pictures or smth

wasteof lore is too much for me to rember lmao

er, maybe? sounds familiar

Yeah, that's him

Who are the trolls?