top users, 2021 vs 2024

users still on top users:


f4f (moved to wynd)

willy (renamed to wuilly)


lankybox01 (moved to nebulous, which is still visible on top users through “see more” on alpha; user is banned)

Jun 4, 2024, 10:45 PM
6 1 15


all the wasteofers on the 2021 one have colored dots in different positions for their pfps except for jeffalo and scratch

yeah, if those were old default pfps they’re pretty cool, idk why jeffalo would get rid of them

Why is nebulous banned lol

i’m, uh… i’m not really sure. i actually remember when nebulous was active, but i don’t know why nebulous was banned. i think one of the reasons was just that nebulous was kind of annoying (which, having seen nebulous’s posts before they were all deleted, is something i can agree with), but i believe there were multiple factors, and i don’t know what those other factors are.

You remember when they were active? How long have you been on wo.m?

Your account is just 2 months old lol

so fun fact, i’m actually kind of an og user. i had an account from 2022, which was when nebulous was active, but i later emailed jeffalo asking for the account to be deleted (hence why there’s no trace of it left). i remember when nebulous was active (and when nebulous was originally named ari), but i think i stopped using wasteof before nebulous was banned.

Oh, that makes more sense I guess :P

2022 wasteof was something else, I’ll tell you that

…it was something else in a good way. like, drama almost never happened iirc.

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bro discovered dark mode

i would use dark mode if i was able to adjust the settings, but i have to be logged in to do that, and the 2021 photo was taken from which doesn’t support logging in so… unfortunately people’s eyes have to be blinded. :P

just make the second screenshot light mode easy problem solved