i fucked up… BIG time…

with youtube rolling out a new feature where your @(handles) can be different languages other than english, people discovered one-character channel handles were possible if they translate to english phrases with at least 3 characters

from there i jokingly decided to try and see if there were channels with a single emoji as their handle, because that would be funny if that actually could work! right? right???

one existed. it actually fucking existed. a channel with an emoji as their handle. this was (still is) LEGENDARY. and i was the second person to find this out, the first obviously being the channel that did it. so when i found out about this extremely valuable information, which of the following do you think i did?

  1. claim one for myself

  2. post the image above in a discord server full of people interested in this stuff

here's a hint - the latter. i did the latter

within 10 minutes of me posting that image, all 17 possible emoji handles were taken. they're actively selling them amongst each other for $5000-$10000 each. if i had kept my mouth shut i might've been able to claim a bunch of them on my own channels and sell them for $5k each after. but no, i did the exact opposite! it's upsetting that someone now has 4 of these ALL BECAUSE OF ME and yet i’m left with none. oh well i guess…

likes on wasteof are more valuable than usd anyways! right? right???


o FUCKING seven

Have you tried using Chinese characters?

That’s the biggest lossofpossible.money I’ve seen on this website so far


Really living up to your name with this one

one of them commented on my channel, i’m 100% taking this as taunting