Battle For Google Sheets may be discontinued soon, but I don’t want that to happen.

Yes, I’m still here. However, I don’t think there’s a reason to stay if nobody cares. It seems although B4GS received a fair amount of support initially, it never gained traction and we have not progressed past the second turn (if you can call it that). There are several factors that might have contributed, but knowing exactly what isn’t trivial. On one hand, it could be because people forgot I even existed, but it could also not be.

The primary reason is likely how little the game is explained, which definitely doesn’t help given that this game is supposed to be long-term and strategy dependent. I did intend to simply explain as I go, answer any question to the best of my abilities and document things as needed, but that really isn’t enough. That, and probably the fact I am not great at meeting deadlines ;-;

Before I go ahead and discontinue B4GS, I want to ask players something: What needs better explanation? What should be added to improve the player experience? How can I make B4GS more appealing?

If B4GS does not receive sufficient activity, I will be ending it on August 1st. Do people care? Hopefully. I cared about B4GS and I still do. I don’t like seeing games with potential die and get shoved aside to be forgotten. Is this a long rant full of copium about how I can’t keep a single internet game alive? Probably. It ain’t the end of the world.

Jul 11, 2024, 4:00 PM
4 1 6


i think that you explained things pretty well, its just that activity dropped with summer holidays

Unfortunate release timing, it seems. Interest was looking high initially, but then everyone left to do their own things.

maybe pause and resume after holidays?

The problem is regaining interest when the time comes. I took a fairly substantial break and my posts haven’t been getting as much attention (not that they ever were to begin with)

one of the main things I didn’t really understand was what I could and couldn’t do, or really how to control the game, sure I could harvest resources, but I didn’t know how much I could, or if they would run out, or how much I had, or how many actions I could take per turn. the way the main map and the town maps mixed was also a little confusing

At the moment, the descriptions and rules for actions are quite vague. I don’t think spreading them out over many posts is ideal, and I plan on getting a document up to fully explain all the actions and their limitations.

As for maps, they were a bit confusing at first, but fairly simple once people understand the map.

Thanks for your input, but I don’t know if that can save B4GS, as nobody else has commented.