2024 Wasteof News - August 2, 2024


Congratulations to both @slider_on_the_black and @toaks, who both reached 75 followers yesterday.

Yesterday Jeffalo changed the explore page so it counts by following instead of followers. He hasn’t posted anything about it so far, and many wasteofers were surprised by the sudden change.


Have you ever heard of microstudio? It’s a coding website that’s 2x better than Scratch. Click this to go to it!

->  https://microstudio.dev/ <-

@toaks, who is wasteof’s official treasurer, reminds all wasteofers that they have to file their taxes. See @toaks’s post to do that if you haven’t already.


@radi8 posted about the new goverment healthcare campaign. Other than that, nothing news-worthy happened

Thank you for reading! If you haven’t already, please follow @2024wasteofnews and @luckythecat

Aug 2, 2024, 7:18 PM
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