I can’t believe I have just landed a corporate job at just 17 years old. My life recently.

Life can often be boring, but recently I’ve been lucky its been the complete opposite. I started my work experience on the last week of school before the summer at an energy broker where I rotated around client services, account management, data and business acquisition in an attempt to introduce me to the corporate world. During this time unlike some of my peers at their work experience locations I took meticulous notes, asked insightful questions and connected both virtually on LinkedIn and in the ‘micro networking’ setting of the office. I was absolutely privileged at the end of it to be offered a paid position helping in the account management with PTO’s & Live Checks, the Managing Director saying I was ‘unlike most 17 year olds’. I am absolutely flattered and surprised people thought of me this highly… My advice? Take every opportunity you are given because you never know where it will lead. I have been lucky to meet some incredible people and enter the ladder of progression in the corporate world- here is a statement I wrote in gratitude about my experiences there, perhaps you will find this advice useful.

“A strong leader has the humility to listen, the confidence to challenge, and the wisdom to know when to quit arguing and to get on board” - Radical Candour

Aug 15, 2024, 2:59 PM
6 0 10


dang congratulations bro

Thank you so much, please expect more posts like this. Want to create a community on here for those wanting to better themselves like I’m trying to, once again thanks for the support.

Yo that’s crazy

Congrats 👏

Your too kind! Thanks so much - follow to stay posted

Anytime! Also I’ve been following you for 6 months 🙂

High class white people be like:

But for real though good job

I appreciate your congrats, but I assure you although I am white I am not high class in any area. My mums a single mum and networking has allowed me to be entirely self made. Thanks for stopping by.

I know I was just joking

Wow, Congrats!

Thank you very much