I still find it funny how what I was thinking people would respond when I said I was a furry

(yay go mef!)

what actually happened:

a few likes
no comments
people probably either don't really care or already knew


mef is just short for me, furry

I actually thought you were a furry, so I just didn't think of much of it lol

tbh I basically was I just didn’t like calling myself one but I’ve gotten over it

(I had a catastrophic furry hater phase when I was 13/14 and that left me unable to accept myself for years)

most people did at that time, I used to have that mindset when I was a teen since it was all the rage back then. but being older now and since sensibilities have changed somewhat I have nothing against furries

I read and posted your catch phrase

I noticed lol

I noticed and was supportive, but decided not to comment.

I noticed but decided not to comment

nah its fine, people not caring is way better than people being jerks

because that means that its normalized