Interesting rating! Gives me an excuse to do one too (haven't heard Section.80 yet):

  1. To Pimp A Butterfly - what can be said about this album that hasn't been said already? This album’s a full, rich and dense experience with an amazing jazz fused hip hop sound.

  2. good kid, m.A.A.d city - more immediately accessible than TPAB, but still has a rich concept and a lot to say for itself.

  3. Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers - an album with lush production while being deeply honest by using a loose therapy session concept.

  4. DAMN. - has some of Kendricks biggest and most memorable songs. The concept of having some tracks be opposites to one another (e.g. LOVE. AND LUST.) and how the album can be played in reverse order is cool.

  5. GNX - a great collection of tracks that jump from being catchy and fun to introspective and thoughtful. Only reason it's sitting down here is I'm not fond of the title track, other than that this is a great album.

One thing that runs through all these albums is how Kendrick is such a good storyteller, his writing and versatility is seemingly boundless.

My Kendrick album ranking

  1. DAMN. It's pretty good idk every song is a hit to me

  2. To Pimp A Butterfly. Real good but I haven't listened to it in a while

  3. GNX. I may get this on vinyl in the future. First Kendrick album with every song liked

  4. Good kid, m.A.A.d city. Listened recently and it's very good. Needs to grow on me

  5. Mr Morale and the big steppers. More of an honorable mention cause I haven't listened to all of it


Section 80 is good but probably his worst. Has a really strong start though

got some bangers

I need to fill the Kendrick shaped hole in my vinyl collection