
professional dumbass [he/him]


im 8bit. hi. hello. hi

i do cool things like □□□ □□□ □□□□ □□□□□ □ □□□ □ □□□□□

he/him, cis



https://8bitosc.net ← website


  • discord: 8bitosc

  • mastodon: [email protected]

  • scratch: 8bitjake

  • wasteof: you’re already here!

  • roblox: 7Bi_t

  • twitter: 8BitOSC_ and 8BitButEVIL (considering deletion!)

  • tumblr: 8bitosc

  • darflen: 8bitosc

  • youtube: 8BitOSC_

  • bitview: 8BitOSC i think maybe

Feb 8, 2023, 4:16 PM
7 0 2

i wanna make something like @anythingbot on twitter but for wasteof

The mistake has found its new ✨MASTERPIECE✨

It’s not a waffle house, it’s a host

I don’t even want to think about what combining the two other major youtube comment spams together with this would even result in

#0000FF’s hints

I believe that a b can contribute to a m

I believe that a body can contribute to a mind

I believe that a strong body can contribute heavily to a healthy mind and if anyone isn’t 100% happy with their current physique, then put in the shift and get in the physique you want to be in.

Work hard and most importantly be disciplined. Put in the work even if you don’t want to one day.

Grind now, glory later.

jeffalo vs goku

new years resolution: dont die

Jan 12, 2023, 6:47 PM
9 1 0

im a texan and i didnt know this

The official state mammal of Texas is the armadillo

keyboard broke :(

using on-screen keyboard while i wait for my parents to wake up

i love the explore page

i find it funny how wasteof.haxe is no longer a client but now a library for people to make things in

wasteof.flixel though…

man i cannot wait to own three different wasteof clients at the same time

(wasteof.turbo, wasteof.wick, and wasteof.haxe)

Aug 29, 2022, 5:41 PM
6 2 3

now that emojis are broken, this is the perfect time to use these

introducing: wasteofemojis!

the only emojis a wasteofian needs.




:coolio: or :cool:



:fancy: or :think:

use these by copying them (these are all imgbb images so they will work in posts and comments after copying)

Oct 13, 2022, 1:59 AM
12 3 15

just curious, are there any people from new zealand here

node.js premium:

without it you cant:

  • use libraries

thats it

idea: rust+ subscription

without it you can’t:

  • use unsafe { … } blocks

  • use extern crates

  • make more than 5 mods

  • use structs

it gives you

  • class structs ohmigod class structs i miss class structs please give me them back

Idea: JavaScript+ subscription:

Without it you can’t:

  • make http requests

  • use modules

  • make more than 50 variables (not including globals and such)

  • And you can’t use let or const variables

It gives you:

  • extra globals

  • top-level await

  • early access to new features

  • up to 2000 variables

  • can use let and const

imagine if scratch had a premium subscripton

like if you were using it for free you

can’t make custom blocks

can only share 50 projects

and with premiun

you acn make custom blocks

can share up to 2000 projects!

working on rewriting bit talk in ejs, wish me luck

Jan 6, 2023, 5:32 PM
7 0 7