
professional dumbass [he/him]


im 8bit. hi. hello. hi

i do cool things like □□□ □□□ □□□□ □□□□□ □ □□□ □ □□□□□

he/him, cis



https://8bitosc.net ← website


  • discord: 8bitosc

  • mastodon: [email protected]

  • scratch: 8bitjake

  • wasteof: you’re already here!

  • roblox: 7Bi_t

  • twitter: 8BitOSC_ and 8BitButEVIL (considering deletion!)

  • tumblr: 8bitosc

  • darflen: 8bitosc

  • youtube: 8BitOSC_

  • bitview: 8BitOSC i think maybe

Feb 8, 2023, 4:16 PM
7 0 2

i use dark mode at all times

I use dark mode at night

don’t use light mode in the middle of the night then

Light mode sucks when you turn something on in the middle of the night it kills your eyes for 5 hours and you feel tired because you ant get back to sleep.

I prefer light mode


If we could get preferred theme (light/dark mode) from API, then I would make a light mode graph too!

But I dont know how good idea it is to make preferred theme public

make sure to use `@wasteof_bot track` for such graphs

Aug 31, 2022, 11:03 AM
10 1 10

give suggestions for wasteof userscripts NOW!!!

here’s a list of all userscripts i’m gonna work on (check @8bit-userscripts for updates, downloads, and other stuff):

Symbol Key List:

  • No Symbol - Will work for wasteof2 and wasteof3

  • * - Will be developed for wasteof3 first, then will be reprogrammed to work on wasteof2

  • ! - Will only work/be developed for wasteof3.

  • make all posts look like they’re posted by the same person (suggested by @scoldercreations) *

  • edit the layout of your entire page, not just your sidebar (will use an external server so that multiple people can have custom layouts) !

  • remove all CSS (suggested by @polygon)

Aug 30, 2022, 4:44 PM
3 1 7

man i cannot wait to own three different wasteof clients at the same time

(wasteof.turbo, wasteof.wick, and wasteof.haxe)

Aug 29, 2022, 5:41 PM
6 2 3

i wanna make a wasteof client in haxe (the language that the funny friday beep bop game uses)

wasteof isnt blocked at my school which is nice

posted from my school :trol:

i have so many questions right now

hi jeffalo

Sent from my Amazon Smart Sock

hi guys

Sent from my MacBook Air

is it just me or did half of the wasteof community explode for 3 days

i don’t like the way these creepers look in the minecraft legends promo art

i might make another wasteof client, and im gonna try to implement logging in, posting, etc.

it wont be in scratch though

Aug 17, 2022, 5:20 AM
2 0 0

CaratScript is finally here!

you can try it out at https://CaratScript.8bitjake.repl.co if you want

i’ve decided to start working on CaratScript, a programming language where all keywords are carrot emojis

and yes i misspelled carrot on purpose, mostly because a language called CarrotScript already exists

Aug 6, 2022, 3:11 PM
6 2 4

we’re already more than halfway through the year and it’s felt like a month to me

yet i posted my last wasteof post a week ago and i feel like it’s also been a month since that happened

who will be the first wasteof user to hit 1,000 followers?


are you also excited for an official unofficial wasteof.money mediawiki wiki that is planning to be hosted on wiki.wasteof.money

because i know i am

Aug 7, 2022, 12:02 AM
12 4 7