

My Discord username is @fungifungus, from there you can find my other connections

Darflen account: @fng (way more active on there)

Sometimes I may use Scratch (very rarely though), which is @947___

I may be on the internet as 947___, fungi, 94733, fungii, fungifungus, 947, fg, barthomelew, peter, peterBvi, and a lot more

If you need to know my other socials, just ask me, there’s a chance I have it

I go by fungi btw

Sep 2, 2024, 5:36 AM
2 0 0

AI will never take over the world. Why? BECAUSE AI IS FUCKING STUPID

Yk how everybody loves pizza, right? Everybody also loves burgers. Because of that, I'd like to present my new invention: Pizza burgers! and burger pizza ig

Oct 4, 2024, 4:18 AM
0 0 0

feen feen feen fee fee feen feen feen fin feen

i am a professional unprofessional

We're Costco guys

c418 better come back, fuck Microsoft bro


Letters of the alphabet ranked in how close they are to the top of the keyboard (tiebreaker is how close they are to the left of the keyboard):

  1. q

  2. w

  3. e

  4. r

  5. t

  6. y

  7. u

  8. i

  9. o

  10. p

  11. a

  12. s

  13. d

  14. f

  15. g

  16. h

  17. j

  18. k

  19. l

  20. z

  21. x

  22. c

  23. v

  24. b

  25. n

  26. m

fuck copyright

I listen to ascending Shepard's Tone at max volume with headphones while reading, so relaxing 😌

https://youtu.be/z72vTfILT9k Give this guy some attention

I shit, fart, pee-pee on anybody

— Kendrick Lamar, “Phone Home,” [Verse 1]

Oct 1, 2024, 3:04 AM
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I'm glad that genius still calls it Twitter

Mschf can be really creative sometimes

Dropshipping ads ruined Sweet Caroline