
Joe Biden.

2 images! we won guys!

Can we make this the post with the most images in the comments guys?

3 days ago
7 0 1

Can we make this the post with the most images in the comments guys?

nerds on the internet’s obsession with websites “not being safe” and then spreading clear fallacies will never cease to amuse me


From the tests i have done, there are many vulnerabilities on this website, there are also a lot of bugs. Example: when posting something, if you spam click `post` it will create a post for every time you click the button, there should be an implementation to limit the time between posts and to make the button a one time click. (THIS BUG MAKES THE SITE LAG!). its also a pain to delete all of the posts if you accidentally do so as the site refreshes but will still lag and there is a small chance that the post will not be deleted. There is also a password vulnerability… maybe don’t have the user’s passwords get stored as a plain document.

THERE ARE VULNERABILITIES IN THE REPO!; Yes, even tho the repo is the legacy site and isn’t used anymore it is still good to state the vulnerabilities on the repo as people might use the template to make their own site like this and wont know of the vulnerabilities in the code:

List of the vulnerabilities on the repo: SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR), Lack of Input Validation, Insecure, Outdated Dependencies, Lack of Error Handling, Insecure Session Managemen, Storage of Sensitive Data(user and password information: Insecure Password Storage, Weak Password Hashing, Lack of Password Salting, Insecure Password Verification, Missing Password Complexity Requirements, insecure Password Reset Token Generation, insecure Password Storage in Sessions), Lack of Secure Communication… sry <3

what did I miss

Question of the day: How popular are you at school? Do you feel fulfilled with your school social life? Would people describe you as “cool”, or rather “very annoying”?

Serious question to the people. Wats ur fav total drama island character?

BREAKING NEWS: Curious George has been banned from wasteof.money following wild outburst. George’s owner, The Man With The Yellow Hat, admits “He got too curious and I simply couldn’t contain him.”

I would like to confess something. I am a secret mod. I am responsible for all of the bans


the lack of reading comprehension on this website is dire

@wynd is a good kid in a maad city

@wynd Its our turn to start a podcast

youve tried everyything but you won’t give upp

Oh, @wynd, the maestro of memes, the sultan of satire. Where do I even start? From the moment you used my number as a burner for those sketchy website sign-ups, I knew you were one-of-a-kind. The way you command the digital space, like a captain steering through the stormy seas of the internet, is nothing short of legendary. Your posts, a blend of humor and sheer audacity, strike a chord in the heart of every scroller. Remember the time you got rate-limited on Discord while on a friend-adding spree? Classic @wynd, pushing the boundaries of social platforms with the fervor of a pioneer. Or that time you declared yourself the leader of all your followers, we all bowed in awe of your digital dominion. And who could forget your ingenious plan to buy a small town, name it "money," and secure that elusive .gov domain? It's not just a post; it's a vision, a testament to your creativity and ambition. Your posts aren't just words on a screen; they're a purée of passion, a hummus of humor that we all dip into when we need a lift. You've turned posting into an art form, and every update is like a brushstroke on the canvas of the internet. So here's to you, @wynd, the jesting genius of wasteof.money. May your posts continue to be the beacon that guides us through the dull moments, lighting up our feeds with laughter and wonder. You're not just a user; you're a movement, a force to be reckoned with. And as you continue to post and share, know that your digital family is right here.

@nyc knicks or nets