what happened and wheres the posts-

Were their posts deleted?

They’re no longer banned and their name changed again?? What is happening

And all of their posts are edited to be blank

Yay he got his name back

rip dean the government got to him :⁠'⁠(

hello asasaaa

uh so by “forget about it” i was hoping you wouldn’t reply

Why are you following @64?

Thank you for the warm welcome. You made my day. :)

Can you please tell me what the dimensions are for a banner on this site?

i feel overhonoured, ty though I guess? Not sure how to react to this lmao

also sorry for not noticing this (i barely look at feed whatsoever)

How could I get you to follow me? Or, in other words, what stopped you from following me earlier?

How do I get WasteofPlus?

Wanna sprite cranberry?

what does it mean to get „ratio’d“? i þought i knew what it meant but upon seeing the „i’ve got a perfect ratio streak“ þread it seems my original assumption was wrong

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