If you are now a bait account thennnnn

Guess what

Chicken butt 🤣🤣🤣

man im dead

shovelknight is a W game with an even more W soundtrack

Was your username always scolder? I could have sworn it was scoldercreations on here.

I changed it

Oh. That makes more sense.

pizza rolls


Who are you 🤨

An admin, radi8 gave you 5000 WomBucks!
An admin, radi8 gave you -15000 WomBucks!

yeah, I gave you too much money, sorry

An admin, radi8 gave you 5000 WomBucks!
An admin, radi8 gave you 5000 WomBucks!
An admin, radi8 gave you 5000 WomBucks!

No soup for you

Hello Scolder

Just wondering, how did you make the gameplay gif for the joustus teaser?

I recorded a video, and used a CLI to convert it to a GIF. FFMPEG is a pretty good tool for that

how’s the day

Pretty toasty

My schools giving us breakfast today yum

Sounds neat.

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