why u follow me??? r u shellfffffish?

shovel knight more like hollow knight

the way you love shovel knight is the way I love Kanye west

You love the content but wouldn't want to be on the other end of their weapon, whether it be a shovel or a microphone?

Did you stop working on your Joustus project?

I've been stuck on a bug for a while now, although I have been adding new content whenever I feel like I won't be able to fix it.

i hate nerds

You shouldn't say that about yourself

Is it true that PaddlerGames (@padd) is your brother?

Where did you get this information?

I hear someone say it - forgot who

If you can find a link, please give it to me.

Btw, why do I have drool on my keyboard

I don't think that's a question I can answer quite easily.

Is that those pizza rolls again?

https://ocular.jeffalo.net/post/6467139 don’t respond to trolls (and spammers, by extension), it means they win (rule 14 of the internet)

They don't get anything that way. Also, I'm bored and nothing is happening on the forums

Also, I don't think Internet rules are facts. Think about it, number 34 isn't true. Have you ever seen any of you?

a lot of the rules are just humor…which is why you don’t take everything on the internet seriously…

back to the original topic, trolls simply t r o l l for reactions, if you don’t give them attention, then they will realize they won’t get anywhere and will stop.

I'm pretty sure a reaction of "just Report and Move On®️" isn't going to convince them that it's working

Convince them that what is working? just don’t give them a reaction (like posting on the thread) and report it.

The thing in your banner looks good… I cant resist it

Nobody can resist the power of Totino's spicy pizza rolls

T o t i n o s

non-biased-news sent you 1 WomBucks!

what happened to your profile comments? why did u close them?

To be honest I have no idea

Sometimes it feels like a completely different person has made choices when I go and look back at what I've done a couple minutes ago.

@scoldercreations is inviting you to chat on wasteof.money/chat

Don't make them wait!

looks like you’ve been unbanned on scratch

Kinda yeah

I also use an Apple watch a lot for web browsing, I'm doing it rn in fact

Same, although in about 20 minutes I'm going to stop using it

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