
Teamwork for the win! You go first

Murder Or Suicide?

Q: A man was found dead on his bed with blood on his pillow, a broken stick with a mark on it with parts of it under the bed, and a gun on the bed. (Now pay attension to these series of questions) Was it murder or suicide? If murder, who did it and why. If suicide, who provoked him to do it and why?

A: It was suicide. The man was the smallest midgit in the world and his friend was the second smallest midget in the world and they worked at a circus. His friend was jealous of him so he broke a yardstick (note: that was the broken stick on the bed) and marked it at four feet. When his friend measured his height, it looked like he grew making him very depressed which led to killing himself thus making his friend the smallest midget in the world. (Bet you never saw that one coming).

I wish I could spread misinformation and get likes like this guy

Who decided there needed to be a wildfire in my sock drawer today

I never know what gifts I want

My birthday returns soon and I'm not that excited for it

My birthday returns soon and I'm not that excited for it

HELLO WASTEOF i should stop screaming

im doing a YLYL video and the winner gets uhhhhhh…….. idk the funny person award idk but send memes. (join my server also https://discord.gg/w82whwjHfD)

Sep 17, 2023, 10:38 PM
14 2 7

scratch’s explore page is the exact reason i moved onto real programming

why is everyone just commenting “gex”??

Sep 13, 2023, 10:31 AM
31 5 43

Final post of this

Divine Intervention:

Disgrace. Humiliation.:

The Fire is Gone (Music Box):

In the Presence of a King:



Again, an updator track

Now we are at the part I haven’t played to

Cold winds:


Panic Betrayer:

Sanctuary in the Garden of the Mind:

Castle Vein:

nah this one slaps fr


I hope V2’s RAM crahs

A thousand Greetings:

A Shattered Illusion:

this one fr hit like an updator track

A Complete and Utter Destruction of the Senses:


ultrakill soundtrack have me like:

The fire is gone:

Into the Fire:

Unstoppable Force:


A thousand Greetings:

A Shattered Illusion:

this one fr hit like an updator track

A Complete and Utter Destruction of the Senses:


ultrakill soundtrack have me like:

The fire is gone:

Into the Fire:

Unstoppable Force:


Why do so many people want to be controlled?

what would be the most insane rap battle of history

Kids are much more accepting of other people than adults are.

It’s so annoying when people think you’re wrong in an argument, when you know you’re right.