
Teamwork for the win! You go first

and we’re dragging it around

me too

there was a LIZARD in my SHOE

Adding dill to my microwave tomato soup

I guess I can’t since I added a toggle switch for auto-updating the preview in CodeComm

You can check out his new gaming setup.

Just discovered a workaround for the bug where I cannot type in reposts; use formatting

me fr

i don’t CARE that it’s 20 degrees outside (68°F for you eagles) i’m gonna wear a hoodie and you can DEAL WITH IT

You ever have one of those days when everything falls apart before your very eyes while you’re powerless to stop it. The world starts spinning the other way, the Moon decides to leave Earth’s orbit, plunging the world into another ice age due to extreme tilting, then the Sun implodes leaving the world a cold barren wasteland where nothing can survive. The world ends on a quiet weekend, and no one even notices until it’s already over. Pretty relatable, huh?

Now the reason I ask is that this has happened to TNC, well not all the stuff about the Moon yeeting away from our orbit and the Sun going boom or a new ice age. But we did have one of those days when everything fell apart, and we won’t be releasing an episode this week. The forces of nature have decided it isn’t in the cards. However, we’ll be right back you all this weekend for more epic content. Until then, we wish you all a lovely week!

my moms kitchen

you ever got that one restaurant that when you have the food there, its so good you just kind of ascend?

if i had a nickel for every time listening to a video game OST convinced me to purchase a game I otherwise wouldn’t have considered, I’d have two nickels

Listening to the Chicory OST rn and am concerned it might become three nickels

hello i know this is usually a positive place but just a reminder that you do not have to put up with gender-based harassment!! catcalling and similar gross/unwanted remarks are never okay

you do not deserve that, no matter what genre of human you are!

When Peppa Pig draws, she's basically drawing hyper-realistically under her world's standards.

guys I just figured out how to get more money from the bank

first bring a weapon

second ask for money

third leave with money

for legal reasons this is a joke

Aug 29, 2023, 2:32 AM
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