
Teamwork for the win! You go first

FUN FACT: if you add Y before my @ and another F after AND SEARCH ON GOOGLE some cool cats pop up THOGUHT I WOULD SHARE THAT FOR YOU GUYS!! let me know which is your favorite!!!

Another funny thing about Ace Attorney: the first mainline game where they decided to change the main character was the one where they basically had Phoenix Wright as the main character anyway. You're practically just going through his story from a different perspective.

Here’s some art I did a couple weeks ago.

Dec 23, 2022, 4:30 PM
16 1 10

the post got deleted 💀

Literally me

Do you ever just not study for a test and still find it easy?

Soon all of the content in my feed will be automatically generated

I made two new bots! Check out @dogfacts and @catfacts. They should post at 6:00 AM Mountain Standard Time daily!


We still need answers

Question of the Wednesday: we all know that pineapple belongs on pizza, but what about regular apples?

Lend a hand everyone

RATIO [x2]


i hate js frameworks theyre bloated af i love vanilla js

Stress ball that stresses you :P

-Adobe Dimension

so many people on this planet are absolutely crazy

  • there are people who buy NFTs

  • there are people that ban you from among us lobbies if you ask to just play the game

  • there are people who despise all AIs because some of them use people’s art to train themselves

  • transphobes/homophobes

like i don’t understand how these people think what they’re doing makes any sense