
Teamwork for the win! You go first


Played Deltarune after a while and I didn’t remember Ralsei smoking weed in it!

Sep 1, 2022, 4:13 PM
3 1 2

don’t use light mode in the middle of the night then

Light mode sucks when you turn something on in the middle of the night it kills your eyes for 5 hours and you feel tired because you ant get back to sleep.

I prefer light mode


If we could get preferred theme (light/dark mode) from API, then I would make a light mode graph too!

But I dont know how good idea it is to make preferred theme public

make sure to use `@wasteof_bot track` for such graphs

Aug 31, 2022, 11:03 AM
10 1 10

The simplest (typescript) coding language, that doesn't exist……yet.


Jun 22, 2022, 2:31 AM
3 1 0

Today I learned that there is a Kit-Kat rip off called "TAKE IT". On the packaging there is text that says "4 fingers".


Context: someone killed someone else’s parrot on a Minecraft server and then posted this in the chat

Aug 31, 2022, 7:05 PM
6 3 1

the sun is a deadly laser

you really are a ray of sunshine

im sensing a pattern here, hmm

My favorite cereal is cereal

crying is healthy and a better coping mechanism than screaming! its okay to cry :)

Am I really creating this post, or is someone making it for me?

nice ace attorney ad

based burger friend

my friend misspelled “apple” as “appel” on the exam

May I ask why the wonderful users @da-ta and @perrin haven’t been verified? #VerifyTheLegends