

I got perma banned from scratch.

EDIT: It’s official, I’m not coming back on DM20 account

Aug 8, 2022, 7:10 PM
6 1 5


It isn’t even funny. Seriously, there should be a repost limit (like 5 or 7.)

I seriously don’t understand why people make repost chains, they’re just long and clog up your feed

it angers jeffalo

I don't understand the appeal of re-post chains.



haha making repost chains is so FUNNY haha 😒

🚨 kisses for anyone willing to give kisses 🚨

Now I just need to uninstall discord and I’ll be going to heaven

Just uninstalled reddit feeling so much more alive

lul das funni

Okay so I have just recently learned how stupid people are (This is all TikTok related). Apparently there was a “Light yourself on fire challenge” try to guess what people did? They lit themselves on fire… with gasoline. Also there was a blackout challenge where people held their breath to blackout. Guess what? People died. They didn’t know oxygen was a necessary thing to live

Oct 20, 2022, 2:13 PM
20 10 14

Spread tree

check out this tree

@Jeffalo give certified

I need to make a post for my 18 followers (very famous)

what should I get for my bday

so is mine

as is mine

My birthday is nearing

I have begun my royale high trollage. Remember me.

Me when the discord moderator

I have a history of disrespecting people of authority 

what have i done

these norton pop-ups won’t stop coming up

just so people know please don’t take anything I say too seriously. Treat everything with a joking tone.

We need a straight-white-male appreciation month