I don’t really write posts here, I mainly just repost things. (And by things, I mean mostly markovmoney posts)
If you want to see posts from me, my Scratch notebook is here: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31538658/
Other websites:
Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/donotforgetmycode/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPc5rtkdm67-kOfWggwmX_g
Conworkshop: https://conworkshop.com/view_profile.php?m=S7564207901 (you need to have an account to view my profile, because conworkshop is weird)
According to Wikipedia:
Kittlaus named Siri after a co-worker in Norway; the name is a short form of the name Sigrid, from Old Norse Sigríðr, composed of the elements sigr "victory" and fríðr "beautiful".
the s in siri stands for stanford and i just wanted to let you know that
edit: not really. but here’s the explanation.
Apple didn’t invent Siri - originally it was made by a company called Siri Inc., which spun out of an organization called SRI, which used to stand for Stanford Research Institute.
Shout out to this guy from 2007 https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=165295665&oldid=164878375&title=Beach_ball
I don’t know what motivated you to do that but good luck on convincing the world that beach balls are heavy
C++ should be called ++C
The idea is that it’s been improved and then you’re using it, not that you’re using it and then afterwards it gets improved
The @ sign should be called an ampersat
Edit: Wait apparently it used to actually be called that
i recommend watching this video:
Why did Owen post the same thing twice? (they’re not exactly the same but they’re similar)
More cheese obviously
yo, do you know what the most delicious thing after cheese is?