
i'm gilbert_given_189 on Scratch.

Let’s play a game of “Fortunately, Unfortunately“. Respond the previous post (the first comment below this post) by replying this post (not the previous post!)

I’ll start with: “I found this website.“

You’re just going to scroll by without saying “hi” to Coiny?

…Uh, Coiny’s not here to take a photo.

Feb 12, 2024, 11:26 AM
2 0 0

stealing food

Found the culprit: turns out Tampermonkey is loading most of them

Some research later and I found out this is currently a problem with version 5

Waiting for a fix, I disabled it, at a cost of… dealing with a topic name that gives more cringe than TikTok

All the extensions I’m currently using uses as much RAM Firefox is currently using (excluding the extensions itself)

Feb 10, 2024, 1:53 PM
3 1 0

All the extensions I’m currently using uses as much RAM Firefox is currently using (excluding the extensions itself)

Feb 10, 2024, 1:53 PM
3 1 0

it is the year of the dragon

Imagine setting a Mastodon instance with a eu.org domain

Oh wait, can you?

Feb 9, 2024, 3:09 PM
2 0 4

From all the things I have done and the space the files took on my phone, my progress got halted by neglecting a component so vital they put it as the first item on the list of things to prepare:

A domain name.

For the Year of the Dragon I was thinking of using me looking like a dragon as my PFP since that’s what I did on the previous Year of the Rabbit

Then I realized I don’t know how to draw them

For those asking about the recent inactivity (which is probably none), I’m trying to set up a Mastodon server/instance on my phone mainly because my phone is 1 generation newer than any of my laptops, and also because it’s kinda funny having that running on my phone.

It’s… not doing well. And I predict installing posix-spawn would be even harder than charlock_holmes

Feb 6, 2024, 12:36 AM
3 0 4
class Scope:
	def __init__(self, shadow=...):
		self.shadow = shadow

	def __enter__(self):
		self.globals = dict(globals())

	def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
		glb_keys = set(globals().keys())
		for diff in glb_keys - self.globals.keys():
			del globals()[diff]
		if self.shadow is not None:
			for key in self.globals.keys():
				if self.shadow is ... or key in self.shadow:
					globals()[key] = self.globals[key]

foo = 1
bar = 2
print("before scope:", foo, bar)
with Scope(shadow=("bar",)):
	foo *= -1
	bar *= -1
	baz = 3
	print("in scope:", foo, bar)
print("after scope:", foo, bar)

assert "baz" not in globals()

What if computer viruses are named like (biological) viruses and vice versa

Group: Let’s make a presentation

Me: Okay

Group: We’re going to use Canva

Me: Nah I’ll pass

Craig: Hey, I got Bob’s car key!

Alice: Excuse me, you got what‽