
Avid daydreamer, dragon friend, sartoriphile, and unsustainable entity

[disclaimer not in use]

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  • 6:30-9:00 in the morning

  • 2:00-4:30 in the afternoon

  • 6:30am-9:00pm, tentative

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Jun 10, 2022, 11:44 AM
4 0 17

Because I feel like I haven’t been active enough, here are some logs from my journal:

[pictures of the Exploding Kittens box art & a secret in Roku TV’s screensaver]


Spending 15~ minutes pacing upstairs while eating a load of tough bread, listening to the GT-180 music collection and making loud remarks about how you noticed the copyright infringement in something makes having a meal with your family well worth it.

Seriously. I don't like having physical socialization with my family on such a scale.

EDIT: Blasting said music from the GT-180 music collection through the upstairs TV's INTERNAL SPEAKERS (including Frums's Wavetapper Boxes) and watching them not bat an eye makes the experience even more satisfying.

[picture of a cup filled with whipped cream]


We played a round of Exploding Kittens, which mostly made up for dinner. I didn't get to blast music during the game, but it was still fine. My dad won, although I got second place.

After drinking a cup out whipped cream, regular vanilla ice cream tastes too strong.

I really want to write something, but the only thing I’ve written while on vacation was during the road trip. Hopefully I can some up with something sometime soon.

Simulation primary objective achieved.

Analyzing simulation . . . 1.5%
Analyzing simulation . . . 12.1%
Analyzing simulation . . . 23.5%
Analyzing simulation . . . 39.2%
Analyzing simulation . . . 41.4%
Analyzing simulation . . . 58.5%
Analyzing simulation . . . 69.8%
Analyzing simulation . . . 72.4%
Analyzing simulation . . . 84.9%
Analyzing simulation . . . 99.9%
Analyzing simulation . . . 100%

Simulation analysis complete.

Success factor #(undefined): 0%
Success factor #1: 55%
Success factor #2: 41%
Success factor #3: 38%

Encoding success factors . . .
Updating machine learning models . . .

Machine learning model updated to revision #4608.

I got back into n-gon over the road trip, and I just completed my first run! My weapon combination (foam, laser) wasn’t quite satisfactory, especially when I combined capacitor bank with pulse, but by combining foam with logistics, ideal gas law and aerogel, it proved to be a very powerful primary weapon throughout the run.

The time is 5:27pm and I have finished unpacking. I am going to have a snack before getting some much needed rest, and hopefully also some ideas for my writings.

Because I’m going to be stuck in a car for another two hours, I’m going to take the time to write something about my brain:

One of the more unusual ways that I can create ideas is through daydreaming. I use the name Colubrine Sector to refer to my emotional brain portion, my process of daydreaming, or my general internal hardwiring. Although Colubrine sector has no major personified form, I often refer to it in a personified way, using either it/that or they/them pronouns. On my whiteboards, I depict Colubrine Sector as a magenta immortal (serpent) dragon with two backwards-pointing curved horns and two short stubby horns protruding from the jowls.

Colubrine Sector is this daydreaming process. Because it is daydreaming, it needs a still and quiet environment to operate. Although Colubrine Sector can use almost anything as input, emotional thoughts produce more vivid results. Colubrine Sector is reasonably easy to control as it makes its thoughts, but it is very hard to make it outright stop using something. Usually, the only way to make it stop using something is to give it something else to use. Being powered by my emotional brain portion, Colubrine Sector tends to stop working if I am under negative emotional pressure.

I really want to run Colubrine Sector right now, but I am in a moving vehicle with an operational radio.

Bon Voyage!

*plank golem noises*

I am currently packing up to go on my road trip. Hopefully I can make something productive in the meantime.

What do you mean, my efforts to find something that Colubrine System might find inspirational led to me making THIRTY-FIVE RECORDINGS?!?

Oh well. Looks like Colubrine System is going to have a prodigious supply of snacks for tommorow’s road trip.

I have taken a 1-hour break from my obsessive passion project to let my creativity recharge & to look for stuff that might help Colubrine Sector better develop its current daydreaming thread.

Oh, and I’m 44% (223/500) finished with the passion project, and I expect to be finished by Christmas.


A blue octopus in PM64

Watt"s 20 attack

The Aristocats


A new chapter ofPN64


Watt gets into another pickle

"Battle Lunala" the washing machine


Intense battles

Colubrine Sector, Watt has done nothing to deserve your attention. Sure, I may have been thinking about her- *checks whiteboards* -on the early end of this month, but that doesn’t mean that she deserves to undergo an ordeal in a washing machine named after a song that I had to Shazam to identify.

Current score: 152/500

And here’s a lexicon for all the void script glyphs that I made for those wallpapers, as well as some other ones:


I wrote a cool, dark passage as testing material for a compression encoding method, but I haven’t found an encoding thing that can reduce the text’s size. On top of that, the passage is 1496 characters long, so I can’t post it with included context.

Oh well. I’ll get back to work on those backdrops.

When in doubt, just take a full-page screenshot.


Me, Colubrine Sector and some other people know that I prefer to "indirectly" talk to people . . . and we all hate it. I try to get people to poke their noses at me themselves, rather than me calling them. I have the nerve to loudly talk about my plans to talk to somebody, but none of the courage needed to directly talk to them.