May I ask why?

why what

Two things:

  1. Why I’m not entitled to be liked by you

  2. Why I should delete the comment

I care about the first more than the second

  1. That’s just a basic fact, I do not have to like you.

  2. You’re acting like you’re someone who I have a reason to be in a relationship with, like an irl friend or acquaintance, even though you are not. Your comment on “its not healthy to be angry“ feels very condescending, I do not like to be angry, but you seriously annoy me sometimes, and its hard to get you to go away without being aggressive sometimes.

we don’t have to be friends, and with the way you act, I don’t really want to be.

I also do not want to be aggressive or angry, but I will if I feel it is necessary.

If I said the same words to you in real life, would you take them more seriously? That doesn’t really make sense. You should judge what I say based on the content, not the medium.

In my mind, being online is no different than being in a public space in real life (except, you don’t have any voice or visual cues when communicating). You can have good friends online, and I try to find those people. wasteof has a much higher concentration of those people than any other place online.

I understand that’s not a common view, and we don’t have to be friends. I just want to be friendly, or at least not hate each other. Note that I have apologized for every single time I have upset you, including in this comment thread.

If the only way you will be friendly towards me is if I don’t debate or disagree with you on any topics, I’m willing to do that. If that’s what it takes to have a non-negative relationship, being friendly is worth more to me than having my opinion heard.

  1. no, I wouldn’t actually, I read exactly what you said and it just felt condescending and preachy

  2. you can’t be friends with everybody, its just kind of an unavoidable fact about humans

  3. the best way you can be friendly is by leaving me alone

  4. I value my mental health over being friendly

in conclusion: please leave me alone, Oren

(btw I unfollowed you way before the Palestine argument)

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